There is a live capital campaign displaying progress toward the goal >> HERE

$100,000 dedication opportunities are:

  1. Rabbi’s Office

  2. Dairy Kitchen

  3. Sukkah Courtyard (Reserved)

  4. Security system

  5. Welcome Lobby

$50,000 dedication opportunities are:

  1. First Floor Washing Station

  2. Second Floor Washing Station (Reserved)

  3. Walk in Fridge & Freezer

  4. Candle Lighting Station (Reserved)

  5. Universal Access Elevator

  6. Colonnade - corridor connecting the two buildings

There are 18 x $36,000 mitzvah dedications. These are signature mitzvot for which the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated campaigns. They are:

  1. Moshiach // 2. Candle Lighting // 3. Tefillin // 4. Kashrus // 5. Mikvah // 6. Mezuzah // 7. Ahavas Yisroel (Reserved) // 8. Torah Study // 9. Prayer // 10. Tzedaka (Reserved) // 11. Library // 12. Birthday // 13. High Holidays // 14. Sukkot // 15. Chanukah // 16. Purim // 17. Pesach (Reserved) // 18. Shavuot

There are 36 x $18,000 guardian donations to dedicate mezuzot.